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Building a Hair Loss Wardrobe

Planning Your Hair Loss Wardrobe

You’ve been told you are going to lose your hair. Now what? The good news is, today there are more options than ever before.

If you think wigs are hot, itchy or unnatural, think again! The latest technology in wig design is lighter weight, cooler, and incredibly natural. Make sure you don’t rule wigs out as an option before you see them for yourself! In addition to full wigs, there are many “wig alternatives” – hats with hair, halos, fringes, etc., that can be paired with hats, scarves and turbans to create the appearance of hair without wearing a full wig.

Speaking of headwear, the options there are almost innumerable- from comfy, cozy caps to wear around the house, to elegant silk scarves fit for even the most formal occasion. Can’t tie a scarf? No worries – there are plenty of pre-tied options that look perfectly wrapped, yet slip on your head effortlessly.

How long you will need a head covering? You may have planned on 3-4 months of hair loss DURING your chemo, but don’t forget to count the regrowth period. Though it can very for each person…most women will need to wear their wig or head coverings for about 6-9 months after their last chemo treatment …or about 1 year in total.

Building a hair loss wardrobe will give you all the tools you need in your closet to look and feel your best during treatment. It may seem overwhelming, but with a few easy steps you can plan a wardrobe that suits your needs. Start by evaluating your situation with these 3 questions:

  1. What seasons do I need to plan for?
  2. What is my daily routine?
  3. What is my taste in fashion?

Changing Seasons

You will want to think about which seasons you will be wearing your head covering, and plan according to the weather, events you will be attending, and your seasonal wardrobe colors.

During the cooler months, you may opt for longer hair styles in darker richer colors. Warmer fabrics for your hats and scarves, such as heavier knits or fleece, and pieces you can layer will keep you cozy and comfortable.

During the spring and summer, you might consider a shorter hair style, in a lighter tone or with highlights. Lightweight fabrics, such as bamboo cotton, will keep you cool and dry.

Remember, you do not have to choose your entire wardrobe at once. You will want to start with wigs and headwear that work during the current season, then gradually add to your collection or switch up styles as the seasons change.

Your Lifestyle

You plan your clothing wardrobe around your daily activities – you have different clothes for work, for exercise, for leisure, and for special occasions. You can plan your headwear wardrobe much the same way…

You may opt to wear wigs for work and special occasions. You may select sleek, head hugging caps for swimming or exercise, and soft cozy caps for around the house. Sun hats and ball caps are great for outdoor wear, and hats with hair or “halos” are great for running errands. You know your schedule better than anyone, so choose options that will seamlessly blend with your lifestyle.

Your Fashion Sense

What does your sense of style say about you? Are you more traditional or bohemian? Do you prefer elegant and sophisticated, or comfortable and natural? You will find you are most comfortable wearing headwear that fits your own unique style.

You probably find you are drawn to specific colors and patterns. Coordinating your headwear to your wardrobe gives you many options. Wear a lot of jeans? Opt for some denim blue hats and scarves. Love to wear bold prints? Choose solid color headwear so it doesn’t clash with your clothes! Do you wear your hair long or in a pony tail? Look for scarves with longer tails that drape over your shoulder to create the feel of long hair.

Putting it All Together

Now that you have evaluated your situation, schedule an appointment with a hair loss specialist and discuss your needs. Try on different options. Don’t feel the need to buy everything at once…put together a basic wardrobe and then add to it as you go. Don’t just look at style, but consider comfort as well. Your scalp may be tender during treatment, so opt for soft, comfortable fabrics.

The hair loss consultants at A Special Place are always happy to help you explore your options. Give us a call today!